2024 Watermelon Thump Queen Candidates

Angelica Flores
Parent’s: Victor Flores & Veronica Rodriguez
Clubs and Organizations you are a member of:
I am a proud member of Luling high school Student Council and Technology Student Association (TSA).
Extracurricular Activities you are involved in:
What are your plans after completing high school?
After I graduate, I plan to attend college to become an engineer.
Why is the Watermelon Thump such an integral part of Luling’s Heritage?
The Watermelon Thump was an integral part of Luling’s heritage because it helped raise money for Luling’s economic sales and crops.
Why do you want to run for Watermelon Thump Queen?
I want to run for Watermelon Thump queen because I would love the chance to represent my amazing home town and to show people what Luling is really about.
What qualities do you possess that are inherent in a leadership position such as watermelon thump queen?
Some qualities I possess that are inherent in a leadership position are that I am very responsible, generous, caring, outgoing, and have a great outlook for my community and I would be honored to represent my hometown.

Ariana Campos
Parent’s: Suzanne Campos, Mark & Cindy Montalbo
Clubs and Organizations you are a member of:
I am currently a member of Theater, Band and Student Council.
Extracurricular Activities you are involved in:
I am involved in Theater, Band and Student Council.
What are your plans after completing high school?
I plan to attend TLU in Seguin to get my nursing degree.
Why is the Watermelon Thump such an integral part of Luling’s Heritage?
It keeps our town’s traditions and history alive.
Why do you want to run for Watermelon Thump Queen?
I want to be Watermelon Thump Queen because ever since I was little I’ve always wanted to share our Little town’s history and stories a different way and make our town proud.
What Qualities do you possess that are inherent in a leadership position such as Watermelon Thump Queen?
I am punctual, reliable and responsible. I always step up when needed.

Chloe Curlee
Parent’s: Ernest & Julie Estrada
Clubs and Organizations you are a member of:
I am currently a member of Key Club and Student Council.
Extracurricular Activities you are involved in:
I am involved in Theater, Cheerleading and Softball.
What are your plans after completing high school?
I plan to attend college and become an Actor.
Why is the Watermelon Thump such an integral part of Luling’s Heritage?
It’s a big part of Luling’s Heritage because it brings the community together for a big celebration of the life we have here, to showcase the produce our farmers produce and honoring local traditions.
Why do you want to run for Watermelon Thump Queen?
I wanted to run for Watermelon Thump Queen because I want to be a part of the community more. I want to have the little girls who are sacred to come out of their shell, to have someone like me to look up too, and for my family who have been here longer than me and love the Thump. I want to share the love they have to with everyone else.
What qualities do you possess that are inherent in a leadership position such as Watermelon Thump Queen?
I have great communication skills. I am approachable. I have been told that I have I have inspired and motivated others into trying their best to achieve their goals. I have empathy. I am responsible, respectful and I am passionate about my community.

Ileana Rondan
Parent’s: Gabriel Rondan & Rosa Villanueva
Clubs and Organizations you are a member of:
- Key Club Secretary
- Student Council Treasure
- TSA Vice President
- Junior Class President
- High School Honor Society
Extracurricular Activities you are involved in:
- Athletic Trainer
- Varsity Tennis
- Golf
- Band
- Alter Server at ST. John’s Catholic Church
What are your plans after completing high school?
I would like to attend A&M or UT and major in Business.
Why is the Watermelon Thump such an integral part of Luling’s Heritage?
For years my family has had a food stand during Thump. We look forward to it and it has become a family tradition for us. Thump is Luling’s tradition.The community gets together and surrounding areas get to enjoy small town hospitality, good food and music. Enjoy time with friends and family and make memories.
Why do you want to run for Watermelon Thump Queen?
“Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve ever done before.” – Bonnie Blair I cannot thank my parents enough for making this a possibility for me. I feel like I’m doing better than ever and I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a queen candidate this year. Why do I want to run for Watermelon Thump Queen? I want the crown and tile and continue representing our small town with pride and integrity.
What qualities do you possess that are inherent in a leadership position such as Watermelon Thump Queen?
I am a passionate person at heart and whatever I do I give it my all.

Madi Spradling
Parent’s: Johnny Don & Mayra Johnson & Justin Spradling & Shannon Zamora
Clubs and Organizations you are a member of:
- National Honor Society – Vice President ’23 – ’24
- Luling Youth Volleyball Association – Coach ’23
- Luling Youth Basketball Association – Coach ’23 – ’24
Additionally, I have volunteered for the following organizations:
- Luling Community Food Bank
- Lockhart Meals on Wheels
- Harwood Baptist Church
- Luling Little League Challenger Team
- Knights of Columbus-St. Johns Council
- 8190 Luling Eagle Athletic Booster Club
- Luling Watermelon Thump Past Queens Association
Extracurricular Activities you are involved in:
- Varsity Volleyball ’23
- Varsity Softball ’23
- Varsity Tennis ’23 – ’24
- Varsity Mascot ’23 – ’24
- Varsity Cheerleader ’22 – ’23
- Mom’s Front Porch Employee ’22 – Present
- Athletic Trainer ’21 – ’22
Special Recognitions:
- 2022 Orlando Citrus Bowl Performer
- 2023 Volleyball 2nd Team All District
- Academically Ranked #7 of current Junior Class
What are your plans after completing high school?
After high school I plan to attend Texas A&M at College Station and pursue my doctorate degree in Veterinary medicine.
Why is the Watermelon Thump such an integral part of Luling’s Heritage?
The Watermelon Thump is more than a festival. It is a time when the whole community honors the history and celebrates the hard work of our local watermelon growers. The Watermelon Thump unifies our locals by welcoming visitors to our community.
Why do you want to run for Watermelon Thump Queen?
As a lifelong resident, I love the history of Luling and I would be honored to become a part of it. I wish to inspire others to be more connected within our community just as the past Watermelon Thump Queens have inspired me.
What qualities do you possess that are inherent in a leadership position such as Watermelon Thump Queen?
I possess excellent time management skills, recognize the importance of commitments, and follow through with any endeavor I start. I work hard, I am kind, and I am helpful to others.

Zoe Choate
Parent’s: Derek & Reanna Choate
Clubs and Organizations you are a member of:
- Luling High School Student Council
- District 18 Student Council
- Texas Association of Student Councils
- National Student Council
- Luling High School Key Club
- Girl Scouts of America
- Luling 4H
- Greek Orthodox Youth of America
- Luling Youth Volleyball Association
- Luling Youth Basketball Association
Extracurricular Activities you are involved in:
- Athletic Training
- Theatre
- One Act Play
- Cheerleading
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Powerlifting
- Track and Field
- UIL Academics
What are your plans after completing high school?
My plan after high school is to attend a small college and cheer while earning my bachelors degree to pursue a career in secondary education or as a high school athletic trainer
Why is the Watermelon Thump such an integral part of Luling’s Heritage?
I believe the Watermelon Thump is such an integral part of Luting’s heritage because it shows all the hard work the farmers do throughout the whole year. They get the soil ready, plant the seeds, water the seeds, pick out weeds, pick the melons, and so much more. Not only is Thump a celebration for locals, but it puts our little town on the map. People from all over the country and even the world travel to Luling to visit and celebrate the Watermelon Thump with us. The Watermelon Thump is a way for all the farmers, locals, and tourists, to all come together and celebrate what Luling is all about, our melons.
Why do you want to run for Watermelon Thump Queen?
I want to run for Watermelon Thump Queen because I want to represent and show other people and towns what our prize possessions ( our melons) are all about. When I was a kid we moved around very often, by the time I was 10 years old I had moved over 4 times, moving from school to school and town to town. I remember the first time we went to Thump, I thought the rides were so fun, the food was great, and it was a kid’s summer heaven. Looking back and remembering the Ferris Wheel at the very, very top as I looked over it was dark, the lights were bright, and I could see the whofe town. I was thinking how beautiful the town was, and how lucky I was to be able to call Luling my hometown. My first hands-on experience was when Dimi Polous ran, she asked me to help. She knew I wanted to run, and thought it would be a good experience for me to see all aspects running for Queen entails. I can’t thank her enough for showing me how to represent my town in the right way, how to hold myself to a high standard, and to be an amazing person inside and out. Even though I wasn’t born here, I proudly call Luling my hometown, and would be honored to represent our town in the best light possible.
What qualities do you possess that are inherent in a leadership position such as Watermelon Thump Queen?
The qualities I possess that are inherent in a leadership position: I have held multiple leadership positions over the years from President of the Shanklin Recycling Club to Gerdes Junior High Cheer Captain, to LHS Student Council Vice President. In every position I have held, I have learned being a leader is about making sure everyone is heard. People have a say, and that you have to be a good communicator, not only speaking but also listening. Leaders do everything from being the “bad guy”, to talking in front of people, to making tough decisions. Being a leader isn’t always an easy job, but I believe that when a leader gives everyone a voice and leads with action, positive change is sure to happen. I possess all these qualities and have grown to excel in these areas. I look forward to being a leader and a positive example for our town’s youth and community.