Thank you for your interest in joining the Luling Watermelon Thump!
There’s something for everyone at The Market including Food Vendors,
but we’ve got some guidelines.
Artisan Food Vendors – USE this application
This application should only be used for Artisan Food Vendor applicants.
To be considered as an Artisan Food Vendor, all products being sold must be wrapped. No open-air food is permitted, except for samples of your product.
Concession Food Vendors – DO NOT use this application
The Watermelon Thump prides itself on supporting our local non-profit organizations by offering them exclusive rights to the Food Court.
Should a non-profit be granted a reservation, and not able to fulfill the spot, they may choose to sell to a commercial concession food vendor.
If you would like to be considered should a spot come available, please submit your information including a list of all items which you will be selling and a photo of your booth to:
Cindy Martinez, Food Court Director